Brooklyn Schugar

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Summer Days

Open the door close the lid

PB & J's at swim meets on 5th

A wasp I thought was a bee

Got angry with me so decided 

To nibble on tea


Today I had a championship swim meet and it started at 9am, but we [me and my Dad] got there at 7:30am. My coach told us to be there early so on the way we stopped at Starbucks and I got a snack pack that had a PB & J sandwich I ate later between at the meet. I ended up getting 5th place on both my medal’s for rally and free style races. I also did an individual backstroke but I don't know what place I got. I’m hoping for 4thplace. Later that day around 3pm I was doing one of my summer activities, reading on the deck. As I was reading some how a wasp [that I thought was a bee] got snuck underneath me and stung me twice. I feel like people make being stings by a bee a  big deal but beside me wanting to scream at it,  it wasn't a big harm, and the sting did not hurt that bad.

tops:Zara/trackpants:Topshop/Shoes:Vans (lazy oaf collection)